Referral Programs

Making Sure We’re Taking Care of You

Your connections are extremely valuable and it’s something we take seriously. Regardless of your situation we want to make sure that on top of us willing to help you out wherever we can we want to add a bit of financial benefit. If we’re going to profit it’s only fair you do to.


Deal Referral

If you know of a deal we should see we’d love for you to make the connection. If we onboard the deal we'll send you $1000 referral fee.* And once we fund it we'll send you a 10% cut of our success fee.**


Investor Referral.

If there's an investor that you can set us up with that you think would be a fit for one of our deals or maybe just someone to add to our rolodex. We'll send you 10% of our success fee for any deal they partake in.**

Basic conditions

*$1000 referral fee is subject to Sultanian Capital signing and receiving it’s initial retainer

**10% of our success fee is paid upon Sultanian Capital receiving it’s success fee for the appropriate referred deal or investor.

***All referrals are subject to management considerations and final approvals.

Submit A Referral

Referrals must be submitted before Sultanian Capital has initiated communication with the contact or organization.